Gazelle Movie Editor / Programmer's Guide / Web Page

Gazelle comes with a ready-made applet for displaying your movies on your web page.  All you need to do is insert the appropriate applet tags into your web page.

First, you'll need to prepare your web space.  Let's say you had the following files: myMovie.html (your web page), myFirstMovie.spj and mySecondMovie.spj (two Gazelle movies) and splash.jpg and melody.mid (two resources used by the movies).  Make sure you copy GazellePlayer.jar into a handy place, since it contains all the code that makes the movie run.  Arrange your directories as follows:





Any similar hierarchical structure will work.  The main idea here is that the project files are below the web page and the resource files are immediately below the project files.

Now create your web page.  Here's an example of what myMovie.html could contain given the above directory structure:


<H3><HR WIDTH="100%">My Movie<HR WIDTH="100%"></H3>

<APPLET code="com/kitfox/gazelle/project/GazellePlayerApplet.class" archive="GazellePlayer.jar" width=300 height=400>
<PARAM NAME="path" VALUE="movies"></PARAM>
<PARAM NAME="project" VALUE="gazelle.spj"></PARAM>

<HR WIDTH="100%"><FONT SIZE=-1><I>Copyright &copy; Me</I></FONT>

If you're using the Java Plug-in (recommended, since many browsers do not support Java 2), you'll need HTML code a bit more involved.  You can use the Plug-in HTML Converter available from Sun Microsystems to automatically convert your web pages, or you could use this code as a template.

Gazelle is Copyright © Mark McKay March 18, 2002.  Gazelle is distributed by Kitfox Studios.  Gazelle Homepage: